Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2: Planning

So here I am, planning a sweet 16 party for Kaitlin. Every girl should have one, and I definitely don't want her to not have a party or at least some form of getting together with her friends (whether I like them or not). So far I have 10 people I'd actually invite, and 3 for back-up causes. I'm debating on whether or not this is a good idea. I don't really know what makes a "good" birthday party. Mostly because my birthdays have ALWAYS sucked. I cannot remember the last time I truly had a good birthday. If this is to give you any clue, last year my uncle passed away, and then my boyfriend and I broke up. What a shocker there. I mean really, I probably should have seen it coming. Then again, I'm always drawn to this one particular guy. I don't know whether it's because we've been together so long (off and on), or the fact that moving on scares me to death. Either way, I've always chosen him over any other guy. 
Anyway, my birthday is January 16th. Which I think is why it's so bad, because usually the 16th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. So we never had school on my birthday. This year however, someone decided to be nice and let my birthday be on a Wednesday. We have a home game that day too. I'll be 15. I'm younger than everyone in my grade, and even some in the grade below me. I guess that's why people automatically assume I'm smart. They think I skipped a grade when really all I did was start school early. Maybe that's where I made my mistake. Maybe if I was in 9th grade, everything would be different. Maybe I wouldn't compare myself to the super smart and incredibly beautiful girl in my grade. Then again, I've always had the problem of chasing perfection. It's something that I never really understood. How can one person be that perfect? And why is it my ultimate goal to be "perfect"? I've been asking myself a lot that lately. Which is probably the reason I decided to write this blog. I needed to get these feelings out, and since I don't have many friends that understand my strive to be perfect, writing seemed like the best option. It reminds of a  TV show called Awkward. She's an extremely talented writer who blogs about everything. I guess I'm attempting to follow in her footsteps. Except for the very talented writer part. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a good writer. It's just other people tend to be better. Kids think just because I'm in journalism I automatically know what I'm doing when writing. A girl in my English class is an extraordinary writer, and it's like she has no idea. I compare our writing styles, and I find that hers slaughters mine in every aspect. 
On a brighter note, I completed my first day of driving today for Driver's Ed. I cried the night before because I was so scared to drive. I'm not sure why, but driving has always been a fear of mine. Maybe it's just because I'm scared of dying or someone else dying. Those kids who were in the wreck a couple days ago were racing another vehicle when they ran off the road and then over-corrected. I don't want to do that. I think people take driving too lightly. They think it's all about going places and getting there. When really, I see it as you risking your life every time you get into a car. I've seen so many wrecks in my life just outside my house. We live at intersection that driver's tend to have a problem stopping at the stop sign. Then a car comes out from around the corner and BOOM. A car crash takes place at least twice out there every year, and believe me when I say that these are not just "fender-benders". These types of wrecks are when cars flip into the ditch, and you see the EMS people pulling a white sheet over an older woman's face. You don't know who she is, but you are certain she meant the world to someone. Whether it be a child, husband, mother, father, or even a dog, that woman was suppose to come home to them and now she's not. You feel pain, sadness, and even sometimes anger. Anger towards the reckless driver who cost that woman her life. That's why I'm so fearful of driving, because anything can happen and you only have so much protection. 

Well I suppose that's all for today. We start back school tomorrow, what a joy that will be. I don't even recall my class schedule. It's funny how time can make you forget things. 

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